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Creation Kit - Nightengale Hood with Detect Life


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I'm trying to create an enchantable magic effects in the CK, that for the most part, will grant the user the vision of Detect Life.


At this point, it only half works. The effect appears on myself, but not anyone else, no matter the range I enter.


I started off with the DetectLifeWerewolfVision effect, and duplicated it to be DetectLifeAssassinVision. The basics for making an effect enchantable seems to be changing the Casting Type to "Constant Effect".


Made a new Enchantment, specifically targeted to an altered Nightengale Hood, and applied the DetectLifeAssassinVision to the item.


Has anyone else figured this out? Bethesda showed off Assassin Vision at d.i.c.e., and I'm really after that same function.

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