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So here is what I'm needing. I am working on a weekly video bit to show some really epic 3rd person battle scenes. Right now i am getting the timings right for the cinematics and I'm doing pretty good.... but there's something missing. This request is for 4 mods total. 2 animations, one stand alone and one retex.


request 1: i have modded my sprint to be on duel wield (ninja run) at all times. I need someone to mod in the capability to strafe while sprinting, for it does not allow it.

2: i have my walk modded to the catwalk movement (regular because exaggerated is just too much lol) and i would like someone to mod in the capability to use the catwalk mod or walking with your weapons drawn instead of the battle stance walk.


the last two i have attached pics for.

3: i would like someone to mod in the Donovan sword from Night-stalkers, but even though i would like it to be nice and big, i still want to use it as a one handed blade. This would sacrifice length obviously so it doesn't glitch into the ground when it is sheathed... but i would like it to maintain its thickness. i would like it to be powerful but i am willing to compromise for speed if that is the case.

4: This is a retex of the Daedric Corset mod that i would like. I would like it to keep its generally aggressive appearance but i would like the colors to be modified. I would like the black parts of the armour to be darker and much more shiny (^_^) but not flatly detailed to the point where it looks like latex. I would also like the red parts to be changed to green. I guess the best example i can give would be something more along the lines of a cross over between ebony and daedric with a celestial green glow where the red parts are. I think the final touch would be if the armor had a mysterious black smoke about it. I know this sounds like a lot and will probably not be taken seriously but your work would be mentioned at the end of each video. A special thanks to all modders. And remember... a game isn't a game until its YOURS!

Edited by antmb87
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