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Drop lit torches


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There used to be a pretty great mod for Oblivion that allowed you to drop a lit torch on the ground when you pulled out a 2 handed weapon.


Could someone make something like this for Skyrim?


It'd also be awesome if instead of doing the normal block+attack to swing it, you threw it. Then you could open up with the same attack of lighting them on fire, and have light when you finish them off. :)

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you can in skyrim there's a trick to it i think they have to be eqiped (so that they are lit) and then you go to item misc and then drop one but im not 100% sure if that's right


Trying to drop the lit torch doesn't work for me. Maybe there's some little workaround. It'd still be great to have a mod where you could throw the torch in place of swinging with it. I haven't coded in years, but I might take a look into creating this if nobody else is interested.

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