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Social Interaction?


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So in Oblivion there was that neat little wheel mini-game that dealt with social interaction. That thing was pretty stupid.... just like the hacking and lockpicking minigames :biggrin: , but it did mean that there were some neat "social interaction" mods for Oblivion. One of the primary components that just about all those mods had in common was that you could talk smack to people, and if your social skills were up to the task you could make them mad enough that they would attack you. I liked this.




Dream come true: Mod that adds some realism to it. Say I piss some guy in Rivet City off enough that he attacks me... I murder him, or the rivet city security guards murder him. After that it gets harder to to piss off nearby npcs enough, since they don't want the same thing to happen to them.



If it doesn't exist (which it seems it doesn't) This would seem like it would be a good addon to Sharing Caring Companions, since that mod has a "talk to anyone" mod included with it. That's what I would do at least.....



So, next question... how easy would it be to add dialogue options that show up for every npc, one of which attempts to peeve them off? Not really sure what any other options would be, since the "hey be my follower" thing is covered....

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