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Frea more than meets the eye


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Frea is the most underrated follower I believe and that is a mistake to make. I really like her commentary and she is surprisingly fleshed out fairly well in skyrim unlike many followers. I know everybody loves the "vampire follower" I however do not as the spells she uses just irritate me the resurrect spell fore-most lol. The times Frea follows me I am not sure I have even seen her take a knee in combat even in vanilla gear and weapons. Kinda makes me wonder how many voice files she has that are no used in game... your thoughts?

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Never tried Frea as a follower, maybe cause I never liked the the main quest of this DLC. Dunno. So you are right, maybe she is underrated...

She does well and she is not irritating like some followers. She does not break sneak unless attacked big plus for me as I play a hunter. Over all I find her to be the most pleasant of vanilla followers and works well with hunters, tanks, and archers. If you use followers she will not disappoint. :)

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All the time I've spent playing Skyrim and I've never actually made it to Frea (I always want to get more done before going, then I have a new character idea or something and start all over again) but at least I have one more reason to look forward to it.

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