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Can you replay a finished quest?


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HI everyone. Tonight I was in the mood to replay the quest Taste of Death with Eola in Markarth, but after trying a few things in the console with info from the Wiki, I've just gotten a weird mixture of things like the Hall of the Dead part in the very beginning of the quest not starting at all, seeing Eola and doing the cave part but then Brother Verulus saying he'll come with me and NOT coming, then at the cave it looks like the quest has been finished, but Eola keeps telling me to bring Brother Verulus there, all while caling me the Champion of Namira. ACK! I hope I haven't messaged up my game by trying to do this, but when I get something in my brain I have to mess with it until I figure it out! :)


Anyway, does anyone know of a way to redo this quest without messing up the actual game or files? I'm worried that using the console so much (not only for this, but throughout the game) that I'll break quests and things along the way.


Thanks so much!


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