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Question about a Maya to FO4CK workflow

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Hi guys,


I've been a bit AWOL these last few months as I have gone back to Uni to get a Games Art & Design degree. I am currently doing a first-year 3D modelling course learning how to model using Maya 2017 and I am wondering about its functionality when it comes to exporting .obj files with the intention to convert them to .nif files, as well as with regards to adding collision (thanks Ethreon for bringing this to my attention).


1. What do I need to do to add collision to objects modeled in Maya?

2. What workflow should I use to export models from Maya > ? > ? > CK?


Please don't just respond with "use 3dsmax", as this in no way is helpful. Please let me know what workflow is available for me or what recommended method I could attempt. Basically any information to get me learning this stuff and moving in the right direction is what I am asking for please. :) I am quite familiar with modelling, UV unwrapping, assigning materials, creating diffuse/normal map/specularity etc, but just don't know what to do with my assets now.






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You need to use 3ds max 2013(you may have some luck with 2014 as well). Its the only way you can make use of offical exporter. You can send scenes between autodesk apps back and forth so you can pretty naturally keep a workflow that relies on maya for everything except exporting and material work.


You can cut out 3ds entirely if you plan to copy collision with nifskope or weights with outfit studio.


Check this for a general idea of what what pros and cons can be:


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  • 1 month later...

Hi kingtobbe, thanks for answering.


I only just found out that autodesk publish all these programs so I got myself the 2018 student license version of 3dsmax today. Is there some reason the 2013 version works only? Do the later versions lack the official exporter?


thanks again,



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