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Getting seriously annoyed by people disrespecting anime mods...


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They're fine to an extent, in my opinion. Some weapons never hurt anyone.


I wouldn't talk about immersion breaking myself when there's a Macho Man mod, and even a freaking Pony mod out there, though.


Well to be honest, those two are mainly for some humor and are not to be taken full on seriously (at least in my opinion).

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I dislike em cos 90% of the time, it's just a pervo vision mod


Like nude mods kinda (they wore underpants in the middle ages, hate to break it to you n all, you're exuse for staring at you're lever 23 fairy, is somewhat reduant)


A decent anime mod is fine, if everything's animefied etc...


The one's that just make all women where super skimpy clothing, look like 8yr old girls, and add pseudo sexual sound effects, seem to be aimed at 13yr old boys.


And I don't care if it's got clever physics in it;)

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Just want to add to this discussion and say that I 100% support anime mods being created.


It is extremely frustrating to see people say things like - oh I hope this isn't like how Oblivion was - on every single mod and see multiple people up-rep the post.

This is disrespectful to the mod author, who probably spent a lot of time making the mod, and does nothing but discourage that modder from continuing their work.


If you don't like anime mods then don't click on them and don't comment on them.

If you troll on these mod pages, you should, in turn, be banned.


I don't really understand why so many people on this site are so crazed about keeping 100% accuracy to game lore and background.

Many people - like myself - do not really care if something breaks game lore. I would rather have an amazing armor set, or awesome abilities like dragonball z powers, then be all put out because this violates the history of Skyrim magic.

People like this need to just relax and not troll on these types of pages.


These comments drive people away to other websites where there talents will be used.

If you want this site to ultimately fail, in comparison to mod distribution sites, like the new steam community, the best way to do this is to drive away modders expressing themselves in unique content.


Every modder - no matter what their vision is - deserves respect in regards to their work. Please do not troll or offend these people because I would like to see the Nexus community continue to grow and not stagnate.

There can be multiple communities of modding on one site - it does not all have to be lore-related because quite honestly if the same type of mod keeps getting made then the modding community could be quite boring.

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Personally I hate them and think they are a ridiculous eyesore that looks even more ridiculous in the world of Skyrim.


That being said, I completely respect the right of those who like Anime to create Mods of their own, it even looks at times like the best modders are the one's who are the most into it.


There does however, in my opinion, desperately need to be an anime filter option in the catagories, the mods are so vastly different in appearance that they really do warrant their own section.

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Personally I don't mind stuff that doesn't technically fit within the lore, so long as it still fits the aesthetics of the game itself or however I modded the game. And in my case, I usually stick to realistic fantasy, where embellishment can go as far as it wants to so long as function is still there. Tyrael mods, while definitely going against the lore, aren't that bad because the armor is reasonable and with some texture work it can fit extremely well with the game. Most anime mods don't fall under this description (though some do. The Vampire Hunter outfit mod from Oblivion was IIRC based out of anime, but still fit in the game on its own) and as such I don't bother with them.



What I do NOT like however is when people just cut things off vanilla armor and clothing to create "skimpy" versions. That in my opinion is just pathetic, and I fail to see how those mods can have any point beyond sexual perversion, because most of the time when I see people using those mods, it isn't because they wanted to create a barbarian type character or something similar but because they wanted to have a pornstar character. That is just dumb. Coupled with an actual sex mod, may be I can understand that. But just to have while playing the actual game itself? No sense at all.

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As a fan of anime, I can say that there are quite a few mods that are in fact good, immersive mods. Some of the regular clothes mods out there that people use might in fact be anime mods. Those and the odd random mods are the ones I like and use.

Then there are skimpy anime mods, which I rarely like, and then the skimpy pseudo armor mods that are lumped into the same genre with all the decent stuff.

The latter two are the most common, and because of those, people have a preconceived misconception that anime is all about porn and cartoons. It's not. Anime in itself has dozens of genres/categories, just like novels.

With that said, we do need some better filters.

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I admit I'm at a bit of a loss here. I'm a fan of some anime. Doesn't appeal to me to in Skyrim any more than seeing Rick Hunter shout 'FUS ROH DAH!' to knock over a Zentradi in Robotech.


Yet I fail to see what someone making a mod with anime elements in it has to do, at all, in any way what so ever with what mods I download and enjoy. I don't even get why there needs to be a filter aside from adult content for it. Are people seriously offended, as in affecting their enjoyment of the game offended, by the idea that someone is making anime mods or playing them?


Somewhere, right now, someone is listening to Hannah Montana. On purpose. And enjoying it. Not just a little girl but an actual adult. This does not mean that you need to destroy your ipod or that Amazon Music needs to filter out Hannah Montana content least you be somehow horribly confronted with the idea that someone else is listening to it.


I have no personal interest in a mod with anime models in it for Skyrim. Or tentacle sex for that matter. Or god items for thieves. In fact there is probably a longer list of things I don't want in mods than of things I do want. Fortunately the amazing wonders of technology that is the Incredible Interwebs lets me actually go past the things that don't interest me and just click on the ones that do.


Perhaps the ability to go past things I don't like and click ones I do is some god-like superpower I have up until now simply taken for granted? Perhaps what we need to do is create some sort of device, some sort of small hand-sized device that allows you to move a cursor around the screen, that people can more easily click on just the things that interest them. Hand sized, perhaps with a cord that attaches to the computer, almost like a little tail.... we could call it a mouse! Maybe this would extend to the great unwashed masses the same incredible superpower that my superior genetics have granted me! This will save people from having to click on, look at and be utterly compelled by their complete lack of impulse control to make needless and pointless comments on.



Maybe I can patent the idea. In the interim maybe we can.... crazy idea I know.... maybe, just maybe we can have the wacky expectation that people use a thimble full of maturity and take advantage of that whole 'scroll on past' thing instead of asking someone to waste their time creating a 'anime' tag for mods and sorting through countless thousands of mods to retroactively add them?


Crazy, yes, but just crazy enough to work!




The above is a bit smarmy and more than a little sarcastic. Yes, it is intended to offend a bit - shouldn't it? Are we seriously even talking about the idea of an anime content filter here? How other people spend their time in the game, what mods they enjoy and the like is part and parcel to the very idea of modding. Make it whatever you want. What it feels like to me is a misplaced attempt to try and somehow 'shame' modders into making more lore-friendly content and shame fans into not support something they might otherwise like. That's counter to the whole point of something like the Nexus. More is always better. That anime mod you hate just might provide the inspiration for a lore-friendly mod you do. More mods = more total content = more creativity = more interest in the game = more total support for modding in general. Making someone who spends the time to mod feel bad about their hard work is a kick in the nuts to the community as a whole. It benefits nobody. Hopefully we're better than that. If we're not we should at least lie and fake it.

Edited by Calamachus
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