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Getting seriously annoyed by people disrespecting anime mods...


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We are talking about CULTURE here, i love anime and j-stuff. But i wont that thing in my different world (skyrim).

Majority western rpg is about realistic, while j-rpg is about fashion style.

What do you think about neko mimi in middle earth?

but if you like it i wont curse you. Is your taste anyway, if i dont like it, i just walk away silently not much talk.

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Frankly the anti anime/jmod sentiment is keeping great mods off nexus. If you dont like anime stuff, don't download it, but the bitching in the comments of their mods is rude and making a LOT of well known mod makers flat refuse to allow their work to be posted on nexus.


Some of oblivions best and most popular mods were jrpg/anime oriented, from races to armors to clothes, and you guys are chasing off great mods doing this. I dont understand why the admins dont put a stop to it in the comments, start banning people for it.


Again if you dont like them, just don't download or look at them. No one is forcing you to dl and install them. I personally love them and the haters here are forcing me to have to scour other sites looking for great armor and clothes and such. Again several great oblivion modders I talk to on other sites WILL NOT allow their work to be posted on nexus for the reasons talked about here.


I have a personal belief that the people who take the time to click on an anime-ish mod, look at the screens, then complain about it really do like it but are just trying to be trendy by complaining or afraid to admit they love it.


And most of those people are using calientes or demonizeds bodies and such, which are also based on anime style females.


I use the japanese voice files and sabers combat voice, and various armors and clothes (such as eisen which is also rather anime-ish, yet is one of the most popular nexus mods) that are jrpg'ish, and oriental faces, and coolsims/rans hair and guess what: my skyrim looks fantastic. What about rens hairs from oblivion, incredibly popular mod, guess what, also anime-ish.


Get it together guys. Jrpg style mods are incredibly popular. Your hurting the modding community by acting like this. Modding a game is about changing it to suit your tastes, there are no rules except to respect the modders and appreciate what they do, with their own time and talent, just for us.


I also find it humorous how some people seem to be afraid of seeing some skin or sexy in skyrim. Your anonymous here, no need to pretend your the victorian morality police. If your going to stare at a character for 100+ hours, why not have her be a sexy minx?

Edited by Malakai88
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I'm sorry Malakai, but I'd love for you to supply proof that Anime-style modder's stated that they are refusing to release their works because of haters in the community to such work.


There are a lot of close-minded people in here who would rather complain about 1 or the other, to take a side, in defense for what they like and don't like. Opinion's are acceptable, but hardly carry any kind of worth to finding a solution. Instead of bickering about with this subject, we should be finding a way to fix it so we don't have to continue the same rant, the same argument, the same debate...




Read it, sign it. It'll make everyone's life easier here on the Nexus.

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I'm sorry Malakai, but I'd love for you to supply proof that Anime-style modder's stated that they are refusing to release their works because of haters in the community to such work.


There are a lot of close-minded people in here who would rather complain about 1 or the other, to take a side, in defense for what they like and don't like. Opinion's are acceptable, but hardly carry any kind of worth to finding a solution. Instead of bickering about with this subject, we should be finding a way to fix it so we don't have to continue the same rant, the same argument, the same debate...




Read it, sign it. It'll make everyone's life easier here on the Nexus.


There are certain other sites where modders gather that may not be discussed here that I frequent. Its a simple fact, some great modders do not post their work here because of the rotten comments and general unappreciation of a vocal minority of nexus users.

Nexus is a great site and probably 90% of the users either are fine with anime mods, or like many in this thread won't use them but do not feel the need to try to regulate what others download.


If I spent hours/days/weeks designing something, frankly I'd be hesitant as well to post somewhere I knew Id have to wade through a bunch of nasty comments to find the actual comments and constructive criticism/bug reports I am looking for. Especially when there are already other forums where I know people are going to love the work and respect me as a modder and contributor to a great online community, places where people disrespecting mod authors are banned & thats the end of it.


I don't care if its about anime mods, this should be a uniform rule: If you disrespect a mod author or post nasty comments about their work, you should be banned from nexus, period. This site is quite busy already, and the community is quite large, we don't need people who do nothing but bring it down and deter content.

Edited by Malakai88
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I, too, would like to see some sort of filtering system. Ideally, you'd have a range, say 1-5, for IMMERSION LEVEL. At 1, you have things like anime mods, or cheats. They're fun, they're cool, but they don't necessarily fit. With 3-ish, you have "lore friendly," essentially. Where it changes elements of the world, but maintains essentially similar gameplay elements. New house mods, and such. I would also put most extension mods (the ones that add more blacksmithing recipies and such) here. At 5, you have things like Wars in Skyrim, which really amps up the immersion but also changes the gameplay pretty significantly.


The problem being that it'd be pretty easy to mess with a system like that, since it seems poorly defined even in my head.

Edited by Linsolv
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It seems like it would be a good idea to add a few basic filters like "anime," japanime," "jrpg," etc. I think it would also be wise to add a few filters for specific genres, games, and styles as well. This would really help everyone - I'm betting this will actually happen to some degree some time soon. The Nexus has always done a great job helping us find the mods we love.


:wallbash: It already exists! And has for some time. With nearly a hundred specific tags available. A filter CANNOT work if it has nothing to filter on. The tags allow YOU to decide what the filters are. But if you don't use it, it won't work. :facepalm:



Thanks for the advice. I haven't uploaded any mods since Oblivion so I haven't seen that side of things in almost two years. You guys have made a lot of improvements to the Nexus in the meantime.


Once I read your comment, I noticed Tag Search for the first time. I've only ever seemed to use "advanced search" before.

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Unfortunately, most of our members are too lazy to tag the files they look at, and many of the mod makers don't bother with it either. :wallbash: That means that in order for it to work properly, YOU will have to do their job for them and tag the mods you look at.



Perhaps Nexus should make tag selection a mandatory step in completing the mod uploading process. That'll deal with the problem of a lack of tagging right at the time of upload.










Edited by gryph72
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So, you like anime, good for for. I don't, I don't understand it or appreciate the 'style'.


Doesn't mean I'm going to start a thread about it. If I did, children like you would cry for banhammers.


Grow up or go away.

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So, you like anime, good for for. I don't, I don't understand it or appreciate the 'style'.


Doesn't mean I'm going to start a thread about it. If I did, children like you would cry for banhammers.


Grow up or go away.


As Malakai said, "If you disrespect a mod author or post nasty comments about their work, you should be banned from nexus, period. This site is quite busy already, and the community is quite large, we don't need people who do nothing but bring it down and deter content."


This should be applied to all mods no matter the content; if their content is inappropriate for Nexus then simply report it.

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