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Getting seriously annoyed by people disrespecting anime mods...


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I personally don't like anime in my games, unless the game I buy is an anime game. That doesn't mean I don't think those mods are well made however, since most of them are.


However posting a thread venting your frustration about what a few members say about anime mods is a good way to start another great flame war. So far what posts I've read everybody is being civil, but the potential for a flame war to happen is still lurking around the thread, be careful.

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When anime stops putting terribly shirt mini skirts on 12 year old school girls then I might give it a chance, until then I will always look at it with a bit o suspicion. Am I wrong for thinking this way? Well that is for the individual person to decide but bear in mind that my culture is built on a principle where young children are not supposed to sexualised, whereas Anime is known to err on borderline of that principle.... There is no arguing about, it does contain images that sexualise pre-teenage girls and the examples can be found all over the Internet.


I understand that a lot of Anime artists don't add that into their work but let's not confuse that with what Anime has and continues to accept as acceptable.


This has more to do with what Westerns like and popularize outside of Japan. In the US, school girl outfits and porn are popular with lots of it originating right here.


Also, there's a huge confusion here about age in Asian pop because many Asians actually just look younger to us but aren't. Have you been to Japan? I have. Something else often confused here is that their anime is said to make guys look almost girlish. That's really just a kind of mean thing to say coming from a race that is more neanderthal and hairy.

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When anime stops putting terribly shirt mini skirts on 12 year old school girls then I might give it a chance, until then I will always look at it with a bit o suspicion. Am I wrong for thinking this way? Well that is for the individual person to decide but bear in mind that my culture is built on a principle where young children are not supposed to sexualised, whereas Anime is known to err on borderline of that principle.... There is no arguing about, it does contain images that sexualise pre-teenage girls and the examples can be found all over the Internet.


I understand that a lot of Anime artists don't add that into their work but let's not confuse that with what Anime has and continues to accept as acceptable.


This has more to do with what Westerns like and popularize outside of Japan. In the US, school girl outfits and porn are popular with lots of it originating right here.


Also, there's a huge confusion here about age in Asian pop because many Asians actually just look younger to us but aren't. Have you been to Japan? I have. Something else often confused here is that their anime is said to make guys look almost girlish. That's really just a kind of mean thing to say coming from a race that is more neanderthal and hairy.


Yeah I know what you are saying, don't agree with that sort of porn neither. The obsession with school outfits is a little strange to me.

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Why would you get worked up like that? TES is a high fantasy (or fantasy i dont know the difference is one just more tolkienesque than the other?) I for one feel that anime mods dont have a place in my skyrim adventure but i don't care how you play it. To each his own. Do i think they look ridiculous you bet, but hey whatever. Which in a related sense i wish the nexus had more quality control because some of the adult mods i've seen over time especially for oblivion are just stupid.
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some like it, some hate it, some don't give a s**t

now, pertaining to OP subject, i respect most modders' work, and i am thankful for sharing their work with us, because i can guess ( not being in the modding business myself) that any mod takes effort and imagination

i can not "respect" the idea behind this mod, but is not for me to try to impose my views on other people. So, best i can do when i stumble upon this mods is just go to the next one. Thrashing the author or the mod serves no one. ( i must admit the comments sometimes are fun to read, esp. for that Dick Sword mod, and so were the pics :rolleyes: )


For those who like anime, go for it. Just dont ask for respect. It's a bit to much.

For those who don't, please don't try to ruin others peoples fun. That's also a bit too much.

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I love realism just as much as anime/cartoon style mods. I simply have separate game installs for each, one for realism/strict lore, and one for pretty much everything else. I do not see the need to bash a mod at all if it doesn't suit a desired style or genre etc. It is just ignorant in my opinion, and most of the people complaining take it too far.


There is nothing wrong with expressing one's artistic abilities, creativity, and imagination through the development and creation of game mods. If you cannot accept this, then it is you who are the fools, too blinded and untalented to create true works of art.


Just show some respect to the creators of mods, sure you have the right to express an opinion, but at the very least, present it maturely, and respectfully.

If you have nothing nice to say, why not just keep the nasty comments to yourselves.

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The fact is, no matter how much you dislike the anime inspired mods, they probably inspired something you do like. Normally, our foreign, Oriental friends are the ones that manage to crack HOW to do something, how to make a new mesh-shape the game hasn't seen before for instance. I can guarantee you that though you hate, for instance, the gundam armor mod by The arrow and knee mod team, something you DO like will come of someone looking at the mesh (or copying it then changing it some) and making it "lore friendly".


As for the hair, I'm sorry but vanilla hair for the elder scrolls games is crap. Maybe if Bethesda learned how to make a decent hair style we wouldn't have so many ported in from the Sims games. I host a hairs thread with just about every hair ever made for Skyrim shared on either a stable link, or uploaded to my storage account. PM me for the link.


Should we have a separate link for the anime inspired stuff? No. Should we respectfully ask that an anime inspired mod say that it is so in the description so that the lore nuts won't have a conniption fit? Probably.


The fact is, the best facial mods - the only ones currently out that give my character a cute nose - are "anime inspired". I bet some of you use the Oriental Beauty mod. Until that came out, I used the lightning face texture from the lighting mod. (And considering that what they just came out with is a real person look alike mod, I think the moderators derped in taking that one off the Nexus.) I bet a lot of you used modular beautiful people ++ in Oblivion.


There's a place for everything and everyone in modding. Don't get pissed just because a certain genre of mods happens to show up here. I wish that there was no such thing as a private mod, that everything (legal) was shared freely across country borders... anime inspired or not.

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Morwyn Kelm please try not to act like a jerk. Thanks.


Going back to the thread - I don't understand why so many of you are against anime/anime mods in general.

Have you ever watched an anime series or read a manga chapter?


A lot of you are not correctly defining what anime is - most anime/mange do not involve sensuality.

Just a lot of the mods that get brought to this site involve those themes.


It is an art style that many enjoy. Let these people enjoy it and do not troll on these people and their mods.


Edit: I think adding a filter would be like basically segregating the site. I understand then need to separate adult and non-adult mods but this much of a distinction would be unneccessary. You simply have to keep scrolling and ignore the mods. What would be next tags separating light armor from heavy armor and then lore vs non-lore tags? Too much specification.

Edited by phenderix
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The main principal behind this post is about how people are being disrespectful to mod authors should simply be not allowed; people disrespecting anime mods are simply a prominent example. It can happen to any mod (anime or non-anime) and it should not be allowed; if the mod is inappropriate then simply reporting it will do.
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