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Getting seriously annoyed by people disrespecting anime mods...


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The best advice I can give, if you can't say something nice (or at least neutral) then keep your mouth shut (or your fingers off the keyboard). The last thing that is needed is another flame war (and Morwyn, it seems are if you are trying to start one).

I thought that the "turn your horse into a my little pony character" mod was the stupidest thing I had ever seen. However, I just rolled my eyes and moved on. I felt no need to post a comment such as "kill it with fire" or any such nonsense like that.

Just don't download it, DON"T comment, and move on with your life.


I respect the OP for wanting to discuss this and yes, there have been a lot of haters recently. Let's all just get along, K?

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Well the exercise in futility has denigrated far enough, closed before I have to unsheathe my hammer.


A word to the wise, don't start flame bait topics and then complain you are being flamed or trolled as you reap what you so.


If you like anime, great use it. If you don't like it, don't use it.


You have an absolute right to your opinions, how and where you express it is an option.....and a final thought, you have not rights here, you have privileges. You may feel you have a right to express your opinions, however the nexus family of sites is under no obligation to provide you a platform upon which to express it.


Start another and I will show you to the door.



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