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Scripting help..


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OK so I can use the CK the basic stuff but when it comes too using Scripts I have never done anything with them. But now that the new Scritping has came out I want to give it ago.



So I have started a project,


An Arena, I have the ground work finished, (the building and NPCs) I just have no idea how to script such a thing.


I wanted almost an oblivion feel. walk in you can fight or bet, you know.


So first thing is first how would one script the fighting?


So you talk to the fight master, then he teleports you or the player has to walk into the arena where NPCs will spawn to fight once the play has killed them all he/she is aloud out.


How would one go about that? I have a few things to finish in the building but so far its pretty much ready for the scripts or whatever.


Thanks for ANYhelp you can give!

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