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Nazeem and the Huge Wall


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After years of making a nuisance of himself in the Whiterun marketplace, Nazeem has decided to entire politics. There are a few impediments such as Nazeem having never read a book and having an obnoxious ego. Still, he has made a name for himself by claiming that Jarl Ulfric was born in the Imperial City. There are rumors he is in league with Daedric Prince Molag Bal, but Nazeem has countered these rumors by saying they are fake news and that he won his shining green mace in a poker game in Riverwood.

Nazeem has a plan. He wants to build a huge wall around Whiterun Hold and make Whiterun great again. Can he make a coalition of Orc Strongholds, bandits, Draugr, and mudcrabs to give him a marginal win in the Mages and Bards Electoral College?


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