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Best overhaul mod?


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Just curious on what everyones out look on the Massive overhaul mods out.. I DL'd OOO, and its ok, so what just throwing a thread out to see what everyone outlook on those mods were or if they are even worth it.





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Just curious on what everyones out look on the Massive overhaul mods out.. I DL'd OOO, and its ok, so what just throwing a thread out to see what everyone outlook on those mods were or if they are even worth it.






The best is FCOM, which merges everything into one; best of all worlds.

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I personally used Fran until suddenly the aditional items/creatures made my game crash whenever I left a city. Now I just use the Fran main with MMM. The only thing that keeps me from using FCOM is my fear of massive conflicts with the 50+ different mods I run.
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DarkWarrior45 is definitely right. I tried ooo and fran but it's a lot better to go with fcom. Why pick one when you can use ooo, fran, warcry, and martigens together. It's definitely a very different game with all four installed.



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