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"Elemental Potency" Has No Effect?


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While I'm editing some perks for myself then I've noticed something strange, Elemental Potency perk has no effect?


Look at Perk Entries section:




Dark Souls has it's working effect but Elemental Potency is a completely useless perk. How can I fix this, let's say, I want to increase all atronach's health and attack rate by 100, how can I do this?

Edited by TuCoT
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I did a little check through the spells, looking at Conjure Flame Atronach, it has two effects listed. "Conjure Flame Atronach" as you would expect and "Conjure Potent Flame Atronach". Now, I'll admit I haven't played a conjurer myself, nor do I know every spell.. But I'm assuming that the game checks whether or not you have that perk, then chooses the correct effect based upon it. Admittedly, I haven't found any hard evidence to back up my claims, but that is how I'm assuming that particular perk works.
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