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Realistic armor and weapons?


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I love the game but don't find the art on the armor and weapons very attractive. The iron is okay, but the metal texture is lacking. I think the worst are the axes. They look like cartoon hatchets made from modeling clay. The heads should be smaller and more metal texture, the haft should be longer and more rich wood, with metal supports riveted in place. IF no one is interested, I may learn blender and do it myself. Though I am a true beginner and don't know how difficult it would be. I don't like steel very much, the plate is nice with chain-mail mods but I real don't like ebony and up. I prefer gritty, realistic armors, rather than high fantasy. Also, light helmets should all be metal, no one wears leather on their head in combat, an open faced realistic viking helm like in Mount and Blade should be light armor, or a chainmail neckguard and face skirt for heavy.


If anyone knows of good mods, let me know. I have chainmail guards, but the chain pants look kind of weird lol.

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