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Women: Not Near Hardbitten, Weathered, Scarred and Worn Enough


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I know, y'all want the women from the fantasy art of Vallejo. Well, that's fine for those who don't want reality. There're a few, like me, who want the women of Skyrim to be weather beaten, scarred, leathery, and just plain worn. In other words, products of the real Skyrim, where folks of all kinds tangle with dragons, tigers, wolves and bears, oh yes. Where out of desperation they turn to robbing travelers on the

roads, ambush military patrols, decoy folks into a murderous trap, and also work to destroy those intent on doing no good. We got numbing cold that can leave one a lone corpsicle on the highway, disease that can leave one easy prey for the beasts, and so on and so forth ad infinitum. So, take a mature skin mod, roughen it up a lot, add a fair number of scars and blemishes, and, if possible, knock out a few teeth, and whack off a finger, ear or hand. What's available at the moment just ain't enough. Btw, we also need a good eye patch mod for SSE to cover the occasional blind eye. Think Grace Jones with a variety of skin tones and lots of wear and tear.

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