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Assignable Shaun


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OK so I get that he cannot be made an actual follower. Fair 'nuff...I'm past that.


That being said...


Would it be possible to have him do SOMETHING useful as opposed to randomly sandboxing the repair / mod stations I'm trying to use?


Ideally manning the artillery position at home? (Don't judge me. It's not like you ever had a chore that awesome when you were 12).


Or at worst maybe farming corn at some pissant outpost I barely care about?


Whatever...but FFS just do SOMETHING useful willya?



Failing all that above how about just dismissing him back to the Railroad HQ where I originally "found" him?


Edited by GrimReapers1
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In my (unmodded) Minutemen game Shaun is working the fields. Maybe he gets assigned to farming if no one else is there, similar to the love of my li... I mean, Marcy? He has some kind of AI for it at least.


You could probably use WorkshopAllowCommand on him otherwise. That should make him commandable. :) Beware of potential stretching and such if there aren't any child animations for what you want him to do though.

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I think the farming you're describing is idle sandboxing rather than actual farming which would contribute to the food pool.


Still, it's better than having to constantly kick him off my workbenches.


Seems odd that I can ship him off to the various settlements but not back to RR HQ but it is what it is.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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