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Fallout 4 too laggy to play


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Hey, I bought Fallout 4 a long time ago when it first came about but was never able to get far playing it because it was too laggy. I gave up a while ago but I'm coming back to give it another try now and I'm looking for a few tips. Do any of you guys know a collection of mods or adjustments I could do to the game to make it more playable?


This is my pc build: http://prntscr.com/f508c5


Thanks for any help.

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This game has 3 types of lag.


Video. Caused by drivers or lack of vram. SLI is really bad with this game. I get about an extra 10fps with it. SLI also can cause screen tear & stutter.

Setting Shadow distance & quality to medium can give you about 7fps.


CPU. The game engine only likes CPUs with strong individual cores. i5/i7 & Ryzen 5/7. Mods that reduce meshes/clutter can help with your CPU. Insignificant Object Remover by AKcelsior is a good start.


I/O. A modded game can become unplayable on an HD. Even on a Sata SSD you can get stutter on a 40 plus level game. I/O stutter is the hardest to fix. The only games I have ever had problems with is Oblivion modded & this one. High speed media is the only way I know to fix it.


This game is hard on any hardware & getting a smooth game has more to do with luck than anything else.



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it's your cpu holding you back. terrible single core. but deep in the city it doesnt matter what cpu you have. because thew game is poorly optimized. try turning down shadows. and especially shadow distance. but trust me everyone suffers deep in boston.

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Its hard to answer your question because just saying "My game is Laggy" doesn't provide a lot of info in itself,


It also helps to know what mods you are running.




Here's something from left field, I never would have thought of it either but I was getting constant frame freezes and lag the last time I played after not touching the game for several months.


Go into your IN GAME Settings and check controls, make sure controller support and vibration is both turned OFF. When I turned mine off It was fixed, and I'd only get the occasional temporary freeze when I moved into a large area after that.



who knows, that might fix your issue

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but trust me everyone suffers deep in boston.

You are wrong


f***ing prove it..


I've already gave the proof in this thread. If you can't read - your problem.

Edited by RandomUnit
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