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Amazing graphics


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Nice. Did you tweak your enb settings yourself or are you using a favorite from another? I'd very much like to see your enbseries values and try those settings!

Do you see much artifacting or bleeding through volume fog inside dungeons and such or on hazy days? Does water still look good at night or does it become too transparent while using AO? Anyway, very nice balance from what I can tell. Kudos!


Is that with the official HD textures pack or just some of the best mod textures like flora and water (or did you get both running together)?

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Nice. Did you tweak your enb settings yourself or are you using a favorite from another? I'd very much like to see your enbseries values and try those settings!

Do you see much artifacting or bleeding through volume fog inside dungeons and such or on hazy days? Does water still look good at night or does it become too transparent while using AO? Anyway, very nice balance from what I can tell. Kudos!


Is that with the official HD textures pack or just some of the best mod textures like flora and water (or did you get both running together)?


Yeah it was a mixture of the popular texture packs and flora overhaul. The enb I download of a user on here called mean eyes, if you ask him he'll send you the dl link :)

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