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Merchant Start


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I am starting up a new character and I am going to RP as a merchant. The trouble i am having is that i don't know how to start a playthrough like this and the only way that i can think of is to use cheats to get


gold to buy a property from the start, but using this tactic really sucks and destroys the immersion. Clearing dungeons, bandit camps, and Nordic crypts IS a good way to make money from the start but it is


so old fashion and typical that it ruins the experience and merchant vibe. I want this to be a playthrough where i start small and get big later on using no cheats and avoiding combat as much as possible.


Can someone give me a way to start this game so I don't have to cheat or raid to start my life as a merchant?

Edited by FlyIgnite
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I would look into CCOR and Immersive Jewelry (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64283/?) . It adds so much to the game and they have a lot of economy mod dependencies. You could also add Jobs of Skyrim that can help you make a bit of money at the start. Definitely add SkyTweak to your game, it allows you to tweak your own stats plus those of merchants.

I once played as an NPC, so I debuffed my offensive skills with SkyTweak. I had to walk with patrols if I wanted to go anywhere else, that was fun.

Also there are several economy and properties mod, but I am not well versed in those.


Alternate Start would probably be a good mod as well, but has been buggy in my playthroughs.

Let me know what you figure out yourself.

Edited by Shivala
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There's a few simple steps:

- Start really small by chopping wood and picking vegetables to sell to the lumbermills/inns/farmers.

- Hire a mercenary/get a follower to protect you (works even better if you have a mod that allows multiple followers). For an easy follower in Riverwood, do the love letter quest in favor of the one you want as a follower, either the archer or the bard.

- ???

- Profit.


Okay, okay, here's an actual followup.

- Find a mine, that your follower(s) can clear out, preferably one with gold or silver (because jewelry doesn't require any smithing skills). Note that if you want to/can level up Alteration to at least 50 you can also mine iron ore and use Transmute to make it into silver (and silver into gold).

- Make the gold/silver into jewelry and sell that.

- Hire more mercenaries, clear out more mines, make more jewelry.

- Become the High King of Skyrim. (Pretty sure that's where you will end up.)



The more I think about it, the more I really want to do this playthrough myself... guess it's off to Skyrim when I'm done in Cyrodiil.

Probably create my Hero of Kvatch as a mercenary in Skyrim, would fit him, considering how much killing for money he's been doing lately. :laugh: (Even though I've heard that the Hero of Kvatch might be in Skyrim already... screw continuity this one time! :devil: )

Edited by ibldedibble
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