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Worth While Mod Requests: Wasteland Defense, Real Time Settler and Wil


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I feel that there's too many lame mod requests that I've read over on these forums. i.e. adding a flower in front of the Breeze Home or asking if someone can add corn starch into the game. Is this the best people can request? I'd like to see some game changing mods. There hasn't been many yet in Skyrim in my opinion. Sure Midas Magic and Tytanis are awesome but that is pretty much all we have. The mods I'm hoping to see in the future have been in the past Bethesda games FO3 and FO:NV, I'm talking about Wasteland Defense, Real Time Settler and Willow: A Better Companion Experience. All three of those were game changing mods and added a whole new dimension to the game. Wasteland Defense with the combination of Real Time Settler by themselves can add countless hours into the world of Fallout and can only improve our experience with Skyrim.


Construct your own fort, bolster its defenses and prove your worth by defending your fort from enemies.

Create a vision of architectural brilliance, manage a settlement as it grows into a city.

A companion worth caring about, Willow felt like a living breathing follower in New Vegas and far better than any current Skryim follower.


I never got to experience Oblivion on PC I was a complete Xboxer back then so I'm not sure which mods you guys would like to see incorporated into Skryim.


Morrowind was my first real RPG that I've played, again this one was only on Xbox and I am reminiscing some of my experiences that I personally haven't seen in Oblivion or Skyrim. I'm more so talking about the expansion to Morrowind, Bloodmoon, I really enjoyed the Dynamic feeling I'd get when first stepping foot on Solstheim and being able to move up the ranks there and eventually plan and create a city or settlement and actually seeing that progress of the city getting constructed. Is it just me or does anyone else miss that feeling?


I'm looking forward to seeing what the creative minds will come with using the Creation Kit and I'm hoping they have been influenced by playing with the three Fallout 3/NV mods I've mentioned and can improve them into the Skyrim world.


Skyrim Implementation:

Wasteland Defense- Unknown

Real Time Settler- Unknown

Willow: A Better Companion Experience- The author, llamaRCA has mentioned to be working on a new character for Skyrim.

Edited by Hashwagon
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