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Mod issues


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So I'm having tow issues with my mod. And wondering if anyone can help

1. whenever I use coc to teleport to my area I've created and navimeshed but when I'm

There the dead dragur I made an the random

Items I Putin there are all in one place in the middle of the void in the exact same place as me. I can't move at all either even with tcl command. Does anyone know what's wrong or how to fix this?


2. The npc's I put in there are actually where they're supposed to be, but their faces skin tone are lighter than thier bodies in game, but in the creation kit they match perfectly can someone help with this?



Anyone that can help thank you!

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probably a good idea its stilll got work i guess thats why I havent. Does anyone know why some of my npcs are naked but then one isnt? in their editor thing they all have clothes but then in the window thing when i put them in the area they dont have clothes not in game either except one npc only.
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probably a good idea its stilll got work i guess thats why I havent. Does anyone know why some of my npcs are naked but then one isnt? in their editor thing they all have clothes but then in the window thing when i put them in the area they dont have clothes not in game either except one npc only.
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