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No Timeout while Lockpicking/Opening Chests


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I hope it is possible to disable the Timeout you get when you attempt to pick locks or when you open a chest. Right now its possible to pick a locked chest in the middle of the market and grab everything in it with a single second with no one looking.. I want it to be like Gothic 1, where you have to fear being detected while picking a lock. Actually the whole thing with Timeout bugs me, I understand its importance for consoles but Its not necessary for PCs. The ability to stop while fighting and searching through your inventory for some special weapon is too easy.

What do you guys think.. is it possible to disable the Timeouts? I'm new to modding but i'd invest quite some time to see this happen.

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yes i know its somewhat hard to understand but a reply would be nice nonetheless.

So what i mean is i dislike the stopping of time when you go into menu or lock picking.

Do you guys think it would be possible to change that?

I would sacrifice quite some time and effort to do this.

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