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Unlocked Enchantment Recognition


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When I am viewing an Enchanted Weapon in a shop or in my inventory, I would love to have a mod that lets me know if I already have the Enchantment unlocked or not, just something very simple like a small icon added to the information screen you get in game to review the weapon.


The reason I would love this mod is because I may be interested in buying the item just to Disenchant, however I don't always know if I already have the Enchantment, so I may waste my gold buying the Item only to take it to a Enchantment Table and find out I already have the Enchantment.


Hope someone feels like giving this a go, would be great thanks

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This would be a very helpful feature. Similarly, it would be nice to have an "enchantment" section in your magic list, listing all the enchantments you've learned.


You could suggest this to the SkyUI guys and see if they are willing to try and implement it.

Edited by capitancrunch
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