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TUTORIAL: Adding/Replacing Music with the Creation Kit


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Finally got my testfile working.. sorta.


Had originally loaded Skyrim.esm + TestMusic.esp in creation kit with no success.


Then tried loading Skyrim.esm + Update.esm + TestMusic.esp and got an error message saying something along the lines of "Audio: cannot find music file in hexcode: 01....". Notice that it's hex-code was starting with 01. As greenmachine mentioned earlier, in his previous post, this appearantly refers to the loadorder.


So, going into the duplicate of MUSCombat01 that I had made, I readded the .wav file there (both for finale and single file although you probably don't have to). Then I went into the Music Type (duplicate of MUSCombat) I readded it to the list there. Flagged "Abrupt Transition", had no conditions, no other flags. Saved the esp and built a .bsa just for good measure.



Hokay - restarted Nexus Mod Manager, removed all other mods in the load order. This left just Skyrim.esm + TestMusic.esp in the loadorder.


Now it works. However, if for some reason its not 01 in the loadorder, you will CTD. So its not really a fix since you cannot know for certain that your mod is loaded first. I guess we need to wait for a CK patch.


PS: I'm sure there are steps of the above that aren't necessary.

Edited by ZombieBobie
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Made a forumpost with detailed testcases at Bethesda's official forums in a desperate hope that some community manager will forward it to their QA department.




To put it short, creation kit searches for music in the last loaded .esm. If you add "update.esm" to creation kit when you edit your .esp, it will save the references to 01 (instead of 00). Then if you don't load Update.esm when you start Skyrim and leave your .esp first in the loadorder (so it is now 01), it will be able to find your custom music and you won't CTD.


In Creation Kit.

00 Skyrim.esm

01 Update.esm <--Custom music will be hexcoded 01, making them be referenced to this loadorder

02 YourMod.esp


In Skyrim

00 Skyrim.esm

01 YourMod.esp <-Custom music will be searched for here, and found, thus you avoid the CTD.


If your loadorder deviates from the above, you will CTD.-

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Made a forumpost with detailed testcases at Bethesda's official forums in a desperate hope that some community manager will forward it to their QA department.




To put it short, creation kit searches for music in the last loaded .esm. If you add "update.esm" to creation kit when you edit your .esp, it will save the references to 01 (instead of 00). Then if you don't load Update.esm when you start Skyrim and leave your .esp first in the loadorder (so it is now 01), it will be able to find your custom music and you won't CTD.


In Creation Kit.

00 Skyrim.esm

01 Update.esm <--Custom music will be hexcoded 01, making them be referenced to this loadorder

02 YourMod.esp


In Skyrim

00 Skyrim.esm

01 YourMod.esp <-Custom music will be searched for here, and found, thus you avoid the CTD.


If your loadorder deviates from the above, you will CTD.-


i find that it works slightly different more like this -

n Creation Kit.

00 Skyrim.esm

01 Update.esm

02 YourMod.esp <--Custom music will be hexcoded 02, making them be referenced to this loadorder


In Skyrim

00 Skyrim.esm

01 Update.esm

02 YourMod.esp <-Custom music will be searched for here at 02, and found, thus you avoid the CTD.


If you want other plugins loaded before it, (mainly esm's as you can't load esp's above them), then you should create dummy esp's which are loaded before the plugin in the CK. they need to be esp's as then they won't be saved as necessary masters in the plugin file header, but the load order will still be saved.


in Creation Kit.

00 Skyrim.esm

01 Update.esm

02 Dummy.esp

03 YourMod.esp <--- Saved as 03


In Skyrim

00 Skyrim.esm

01 Update.esm

02 Hideout.esm

03 YourMod.esp < - loaded in the 03 position

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I'm trying to make a mod that replaces the default combat music with my own. I've tried EVERY SINGLE FIX that has been discussed on this subject. No matter what I do, I ALWAYS get a ctd as soon as my custom music should play in game. I have it in the correct load order, I've changed the conditions to the same as the default combat music, and still it ctds.

The only way I've been able to get it to work is by extracting sounds.bsa and replacing the .xwm files with my own converted from wav. But then, only the first 6 play (that is how many combat tracks bethesda made), but I have 26 that I would like to put into the game. for anyone who has the same number or less than the number of tracks made by bethesda, you can use these tools to modify sounds.bsa. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6986


So far, all the ck has done for me is caused me frustration. It's SO easy to make a mod, but getting it to work, now that's nigh impossible.

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I have a slightly different problem with the CK. I want to add a combat track that will only play when I attack a specific type of creature. In theory I should be able to do this simply by adding a custom condition to my music track. The problem I have is that if I make any change whatsoever to a music file's play "Conditions" settings, the CK will CTD as soon as i try to save my mod.


For example, in the CK, select a music track (eg. Combat01) and click the Conditions tab. The default Combat01 track already has a condition set that it won't play if the player's combat target is a dragon. If you make any edit to this condition (such as changing the keyword argument from "dragon" to another creature type), or try to add a new condition, the CK will crash when you try to save the mod, and all the changes will be lost :(


Edit: these bugs have been fixed in the latest CK :thumbsup:

Edited by steve40
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Is it the assert?


If you look at my post at http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1351617-4-bug-reports-ctd-game-always-looks-for-music-in-the-last-esm-in-the-loadorder-2-ck-crashes-and-1-assert/


[Assert] [Creation Kit CTD] "Null name" assert if "Finale" is missing on Single File music tracks - you get assert on Create Archive (.bsa) (3)


Test Case:

Load creation kit with Skyrim.esm

Make a new Music Track. Select Single Track. Add custom wav. Do not add anything in the "Finale" box.


Save the esp.

Click "Create Archive".


You'll get an assert saying:


File: C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\BSResource\BSResource.cpp

Line: 1987

Null name





A workaround is to add something in both the entry boxes there. Its not a great workaround but it should allow you to save.

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I have a slightly different problem with the CK. I want to add a combat track that will only play when I attack a specific type of creature. In theory I should be able to do this simply by adding a custom condition to my music track. The problem I have is that if I make any change whatsoever to a music file's play "Conditions" settings, the CK will CTD as soon as i try to save my mod.


For example, in the CK, select a music track (eg. Combat01) and click the Conditions tab. The default Combat01 track already has a condition set that it won't play if the player's combat target is a dragon. If you make any edit to this condition (such as changing the keyword argument from "dragon" to another creature type), or try to add a new condition, the CK will crash when you try to save the mod, and all the changes will be lost :(


i got that to. only thing i found that works is loading up a new skyrim.esm and remaking it. it seems that when you save custom music once then close the creation kit you cant edit it again or it will crash on save. so do the music all at once or put your computer in sleep mode so you dont have to close the creation kit. plus mine had something in finale well the defaults that were there anyways and mine crashed

Edited by MissFelixia
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Any1 know what the f*** the main menu theme music type is called in creation kit? been trying to replace it since day one... :(

The easy way to replace the main theme is to convert your track to .xwm, rename it as "mus_maintheme" and put it in your ~/skyrim/Data/music/special

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