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The Great Battle of Skyrim Mod?


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Please can someone make a mod that spawns hundreds of mobs doing battle all over Skyrim! Similar to the Fallout New Vegas Warzones mod?

I watched this video and thought it would be epic to have several smaller battles happening all over Skyrim as you travel, just groups of 10vs10 mobs or something?

Like groups of Imperials and Stormclocks fighting in large amounts.

Or even make it scale for your machine just incase your computer can't handle it ect.

I got Wars In Skyrim mod which is pretty good, but the battles arnt that epic, its just about 3 or 4 bandits fighting each others. Need more epic battles please!


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I completely agree on this. There wasn't near enough stormcloak or imperial presence. With new Vegas i felt there was more of a war going on, but not at all in this game.


Especially the wars on whiterun and solitude or windhelm. What having 30 people fighting is a realistic war? No way. What i want is a real war. Maybe two hundred people each side if your system could handle it. And i want it to start outside the city. Like in whiterun there is a large open are all around it. There should be a large scale battle outside with cavalry and archers and everything. ( Much like the film Braveheart or lord of the rings) Once you get near the walls of the city archers should line the walls and start shooting. They should drop rocks and hot oil as you try to beat down the door with a tree. Once inside the walls the real close quarters fighting can begin.



...Just my two cents.. Any one second my opinion?

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