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Hey guys, not necessarily new to modding, but new to modding properly i guess? I want to make an organized modded game that runs everything smoothly without a problem. I have an issue now with certain mods not working and others will. Im not sure what im doing wrong, I have a feeling it has to do with me installing all the mods at once, but im not sure how to get to the right place, or how to pace my installation. Maybe im installing mods too early before others are installed? I dont know, thats why im posting this. Will appreciate any advice/help. Thanks.

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Not all mods work with all other mods. Depending on how they were coding, there might be conflicts, or even incompatability to the point of crashing your game.

Your best bet if you're new to this is to figure out what your priority is for the mods. Which are the must-have mods, and which would be nice additions, but you could do without if needed.

Start at the top of your list, install a mod, and make sure it works. Close out, add the next mod, and make sure it works. And so on. If you come across one that doesn't work, then you know which mod is the problem, which makes it easier to look for solutions, and may want to just remove that one from your list until later.


Some mods will say to put theirs last or as low in the load order as possible. That's a shortcut for saying "my mod conflicts with other mods, and I want you to be able to use my mod at the expense of those other mods."

Now, something needing to be lower in the load order than something else, that's a different issue. Sometimes if you have them loading in the wrong order, the game won't work right. But the ones that say to put them last? Probably conflicts with other mods. No mod ​needs ​to be last, but the last one in overrides anything before it that conflicts, so it ends up looking like "hey, they're right, putting it last made it work" and then you find out that other mods no longer do. If you do want to use a mod that conflicts with other mods, look for patches that one or the other authors created to allow compatibility between those two mods.

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Hello from Greece. if you use, Nexus Mod Manager, at the list of the mods, if you click with the mouse, of each, you can see, at the right of the screen, if this mod is ok or if it needs another mod, to work. A missing mod, you must search and download. Also be sure, you use Mods, only for the machine, you have, Pc or PS4 or Xbox. A mod, sometimes, don't work, because there are so many at the list. So, click at the mod, and put it, last. Some mods, need the last update of other mods, to work. The last version of Settlement Keywords, help very much with problems at menu, when you use the workshop. Some mods, activate with a holotape, so you must check at you PipBoy, at Misc or Aid, to activate them. Or with the Sim Settlements Mod. The holotape is at one room, at the Concord Museum, where the minutemen are, and there is a quest to free them. Also, to play this game, you need all the updates and if you can, get the high resolution DLC, that is free to download. The graphics and the animation is better. Also try to use the SKE version of mods, using the Settlements Keywords, mod, or just use a patch mod, help solve problems at menu, with workshop. i hope i help. Thanks.

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launch fo4edit, select all ur mods and load em

r-click on mods list - apply filter - uncheck all - check top-left window and 'conflicts' inside it, push filter and go drink some coffee )

after filtering u'l see red lines - all mods that have conflicts..

select all of them, r-click - other - create merged patch, press okay, name ur patch with some word

done, now u have personal patch that will disable all ur conflicts

all u need to enable it as last one in ur mods list (because Bethesdas engine read data from last mod as general)

good luck and smoothly gameplay ))

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