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Custom Outfits Not Working...


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I am having the extremely annoying problem of naked custom NPC's. One of the armors I have is "Triss' Armor" non-replacer; I have made a custom default outfit, put the armor in the new outfit and given my NPC the outfit. In the CK she is wearing the armor but when I go in game, or restart the CK, she is naked even though she still has the custom outfit in the default out tab....

Anyone have any suggestions??

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I believe you can ESMify a plugin, set it up as a dependency for a different plugin and then ESPify it back without losing the dependency. I'm not sure if there are updated utilities available for the ESMifying and ESPifying process for Skyrim, though I've heard murmurs of people using Wrye Bash with Skyrim so...


This will allow you to create dependencies without locking your master files into actually being master files. This way they can be placed back to back in your load order to avoid conflicts with other mods that may potentially alter records they have in common.


Edit: Also, plugins seem to behave slightly differently in Skyrim than they did in the past (at least compared to Oblvion, I'm not sure about FO3/NV). A lot of mods out there break quests (Darker Dungeons for example) due to the same issue you seem to be running into.

Edited by MShoap13
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Modifying Other Mods

While TESCS allows esps to use and modify esms, it will not allow similar actions for esps. The basic problem here is that TESCS refuses to allow an esp to become a master of an esp. And without that master relationship, it's impossible for the new esp to refer to anything in the old esp (and thus is unable to use or modify it).


However, it's possible to trick TESCS into remembering another esp as a master -- once this is done, then the new mod is able to use and modify the old esp (almost) as if it were a regular esm file. See De-Isolation Tutorial.


Also of note is that esms can modify other esms -- within certain limits. The main limit seems to be that one esm cannot add items to worldspaces defined by another esm.


found this here:




Should be the same concept.


So basically we could make an esm of all the most popular armors/weapons(with permission), then integrate them into the gameplay/custom esps? (That's what I was trying to do)


Is it bad practice to use esms?

Edited by Sidriel
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