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Stop leveling merchants' wares


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I was thinking about making a mod which would scatter expensive wearpons and armor in the world. For example there would be a treasure vault in solitude (just like great clans' vaults in morrowind) with rare equipment. Or some merchant would have in his wares, lets say, ebony armor (value of these rare items shoud be greatly incrised), and it would be only place to buy it. Only problem is with blacksmithing - it would be very unbalanced. Only solution to this i thought about is to someway make blacksmithing like in wow - the better you are, the better items you must make to level up.



After a while of thinking items found in dungeons should be capped on some level - to avoid finding superb armor in some lesser dungeon. Oh, and theese anoying big chests on the end of every dungeon - somethig should be done with them... but what i dont know yet.

Edited by cyrkon
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