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nerds unite version of main theme


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I want to help make an ode to skyrim by recruiting gamers to lend their voices and sing the main theme for skyrim.

you don't have to be an amazing singer,just record yourself singing to this ACCURATELY

this video has the best lyric syncing,though you might have to watch it a few times to get the timing just right,record yourself and send it to my email,messages me here about this to get my email address.

thanks for your participation,maybe,also,could someone do the instrumentals?same procedure for the instrument recording,thanks

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Great idea.

In general I would gladly provide my untalented version of it.

But though I tried several times in the past, I never got the part between 1:42 and 1:56 right. It's just to background for me to understand and have a proper framework.

If I ever get that, I'll send you my version.


Great project. Good luck with that.

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