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Settler uniforms / Settler auto equipping


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I'm usually too lazy to manually equip every single settler. And, while they seem to be able to grab weapons from the workbench, that seems to be unreliable.


So what I propose is some sort of a chest which attempts to auto-equip settlers. Even better if it could filter them by job, at least to only affect guards or farmers or scavengers. At first I was considering a chest which just applies it's content to all settlers, but after I thought about it, I think this would be complicated to do right.


So, instead: special containers into which you can put examples of items for a uniform, so that settlers can take matching items from the workbench.

For example, you have the container for the guard uniform, and you put one of each piece of combat armor in there, and one combat rifle. Then the container will scan the settlement for all guards, check which parts of the uniform they are lacking, scan the workbench, and if any matching items are present, equip it to the guard.


Maybe this could be a new settler job: Quartermaster. Maybe like this: the quatermaster's "workbench" is a container where you can dump off items for assigning (instead of the workshop). The containers containing the uniform patterns are then separate objects. This quartermaster could periodically recheck if all affected settlers have their uniforms, and if not, maybe actually physically walk to them and have them equip it.



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