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Help with scripting an animation


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I have assigned an animfurn keyword to a furniture, and the NPC "sitting" the furniture is playing it correctly. That is fine.


However, what I want to achieve is changing the idle after some time passes (or after an event) with a different one, and that doesn't seem to work.


More specifically, I have attached an object script to the furniture, which contains an event triggering an actorref.playidle(myidle), and that doesn't work, the actor keeps performing the furniture animfurn, not my idle.


If, on the other hand, I remove the animfurn keyword from the furniture, then the furniture becomes inaccessible, the prompt changes from "sit..." to "inspect..." and the NPC does nothing, does not sit or play any animation, just ignores the furniture.


Bottom line: is there a way to script a furniture to play a specific sequence of idles to an NPC sitting that furniture?


Or do I have to cast a spell which places the furniture as static around the NPC, then plays the idles? (that would require rework from my part, I would really hope I can use my existing furniture)



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