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Armor Mod Request: KnightBlazer Armor


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I have kind of an off-the-wall request for the community, though I'm not too sure how everyone would feel about it. It's a request for a set of armor that would make the player character character look like the KnightBlazer from the video game "Wild Arms 2."


I'm not certain how many people are familiar with the title, but for those who aren't, Wild Arms 2 is a JRPG with western, sci-fi and high-fantasy elements all mixed into one kickass game that I've thoroughly enjoyed over the years.


I thought about how much I like Skyrim and how much I liked Wild Arms and asked how the two could be brought together, and this idea popped up.


This is the KnightBlazer;


Low Quality Wild Arms 5 screenshot: http://media.photobucket.com/image/knightblazer/kamen_rider_knight_blazer/th_knightblazer.jpg


KnightBlazer Art: http://images.wikia.com/wildarms/images/6/69/Kknightblazer.jpg


Knightblazer Figure: http://wildarms.livejournal.com/120694.html


Wild Arms 5 Video:

(Kind of hard to see, it's a little fast-paced. Best at 5:02 of Video.)


I thought it was worth a shot to post the request here. The best place to see the armor in full detail is in Wild Arms 5, where the armor is called "Nine Lives."

Edited by BloodyStigmata
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