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Trying to add a Nuka-World Asset to the Workshop


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It's the glass paneled cage that leads into the bumper car cage right at the Overboss fight. For whatever reason I cannot click on them via console to get their ID to find them in FO4 edit or the Creation kit. Weird thing is I know the Unlocked Settlement Objects mod for the PS4 has it in their collection. If anyone could help me locate this piece that would be awesome. http://i63.tinypic.com/16j4f10.png

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It's the glass paneled cage that leads into the bumper car cage right at the Overboss fight. For whatever reason I cannot click on them via console to get their ID to find them in FO4 edit or the Creation kit. Weird thing is I know the Unlocked Settlement Objects mod for the PS4 has it in their collection. If anyone could help me locate this piece that would be awesome.


I think the mod you refer to just made a recipe to the asset FormID DLC04_ColaCarsCage01 [sTAT:010489D5].


The 2 uses in game are:

[REFR:010489D6] (places DLC04_ColaCarsCage01 [sTAT:010489D5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC04ColaCars01 "Cola-Cars Arena" [CELL:0100805B] in Precombined\0000805B_80F65A31_OC.nif)

[REFR:010489D7] (places DLC04_ColaCarsCage01 [sTAT:010489D5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC04ColaCars01 "Cola-Cars Arena" [CELL:0100805B] in Precombined\0000805B_8175478E_OC.nif)


The reason you can't click to select it in the game is because it's built in as a pre-combined mesh. It still has a non combined base that you can access though.

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