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Decapitate The Dovahkiin


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Now the player has several finishing moves and so do the npcs but they don't seem to share them. I have never pesonally wseen an npc decapitate anyone

so it might be a good idea to let them have access to the players finishing moves if its possible. Mjoll decapitating a bandit or a bandit smacking the dovaahkiin

in a dramatic way with a mace!

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NPCs DO perform finishers on the player if the player's health is sufficiently low enough. You know how sometimes you can pull one even if they've got a bit of health left? Yeah that can happen to you too.


To be honest, it's sort of annoying to be executed at half health when it took several smacks to get you to that spot in the first place.

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Ive never actually had a decapitate be performed on me however. Or seen any of my companions decapitate anyone.

Has anyone seen this occur with npcs?

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Ive never actually had a decapitate be performed on me however. Or seen any of my companions decapitate anyone.

Has anyone seen this occur with npcs?


Yes, I have seen NPCs decapitate other NPCs, and I have seen draugrs and bad-guy NPCs decapitate me. If you use TIM (toggle immortal mode) and an NPC decapitates you, you'll be headless, but still alive.

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