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Grass on modified landscape


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Greetings folks,


I just started to modify a landscape outside of Whiterun and I cannot figure out how to regenerate the "grass" landscape to match the new height. I was wondering if someone can point me into the right direction how to "Regenerate the grass or paint it or???"


As you can see in the following screenshots from CK I have sloped the landscape but the grass is just hanging in the air and over objects. I am new to the program, so forgive me if this is 101 stuff that I have missed.






^^^^Garden Grass^^^^








Thank you for your time.

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I guess its with the land texture files.. which seems to be drawing black as well..Maybe i have a bigger problem =(

If it paints a texture black it's because that area has too many textures already. Go to Landscape mode and press "i" when your cursor is over the area and look for textures that aren't used much. It may take some trial and error, but make sure you don't remove a texture that makes the area look bad :P I accidentally removed part of a path myself..


The grass is tied to the textures. Supposedly if you repaint a new texture with no grass in it, it will replace that texture ingame and remove the grass. It doesn't seem to update in the creation kit though and some people still sound like they're having trouble with it either way. :confused:

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I guess its with the land texture files.. which seems to be drawing black as well..Maybe i have a bigger problem =(

If it paints a texture black it's because that area has too many textures already. Go to Landscape mode and press "i" when your cursor is over the area and look for textures that aren't used much. It may take some trial and error, but make sure you don't remove a texture that makes the area look bad :P I accidentally removed part of a path myself..


The grass is tied to the textures. Supposedly if you repaint a new texture with no grass in it, it will replace that texture ingame and remove the grass. It doesn't seem to update in the creation kit though and some people still sound like they're having trouble with it either way. :confused:


Thank you for the assistance Veltoss, I was trying to get some dirt paths worn for walking and a garden dirt look but I might be getting a little ahead of myself there o_O


Once you start getting into those files your like ooooOOO this table needs a fish, and a knife and a cup and a candle and a light and .... Then I forgot I was just trying to paint the landscape ;D

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try this it may work

Floating Grass Fix

The Bug

A problem with grass textures not updating correctly. This fix will make your animated grass behave correctly in the CK, as well as in-game.

For the Game

Open up both Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini and at the bottom of the [Grass] section add/alter this:




For the Editor

In the skyrim installion folder open SkyrimEditor.ini and at the bottom of the [Grass] section add:



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