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No death kneel for followers


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When a follower's health drops to zero they go into the kneeling position that essential NPCs do, except that (with a few exceptions) they aren't essential. They can still be killed by you or by an enemy, only enemies do not target kneeling characters so you rarely ever see them die.


Well I want my followers to be killed like an average joe. If their health drops to zero, no special treatment, you're dead.


So does anyone know how to either a) make enemies be able to target kneeling followers or b) make followers skip the whole kneeling sequence and just die like normal NPCs?



- Kyoh


This topic was in the mod talk forum about 2 months ago. I was hoping to actually see a mod of this, but nothing so far. Now that the creation kit is out, I was thinking that any barriers preventing such a mod are eliminated.


I noticed that the concept isn't that popular among people, but I really want it for roleplaying and to have the game force me to move on to another follower. I'm pretty incompetent when it comes to the creation kit, but even some assistance to create such a mod would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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