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Mod Problems


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Could you clarify your question with grammar?

I'm assuming you're asking why your house doesnt appear.


1. You haven't told your game to load it.

Just ensure you have the .esp loaded - go to the splash of your skyrim (the tile where you can chose play, options, datafile,tech support,exit)

select the data files option

make sure your .esp is ticked (an esp is a plug-in that saves the house you made)


2. The object you chose as a house doesn't appear

I've got a with the WinterholdCollegeTower01 not appearing, I have no idea why, it renders in CK but not ingame. Could someone help me?


Its most likely problem 1.

But If your door appears, but your structure does not, its most likely problem 2. and i cant help you sorry

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It is possible that somehow you have marked your house as initially disabled. This could happen if you copied a house that was initially disabled.


If your house is made of custom meshes or uses custom textures, it is possible that things are set up wrong and your mesh renders as invisible.

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