TurbAWD Posted May 10, 2017 Share Posted May 10, 2017 Hi, :) First of all, apologies about my poor english I edited some armors and clothes texturesSome of them work properly, but some others don't :They don't replace the original one, they are added to The textures are applied to custom meshes (BodySlide)BodySlide does show what I want, but the game doesn't In the hope I've been clear enough, so anyone could help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurbAWD Posted May 11, 2017 Author Share Posted May 11, 2017 Here is an exemple : WARNING, MATURE CONTENT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurbAWD Posted May 12, 2017 Author Share Posted May 12, 2017 I just noticed that in the menus, the items properly use my edited texturesWhy won't they when wearing them ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Algabar Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 I just noticed that in the menus, the items properly use my edited texturesWhy won't they when wearing them ? To be honest, I've never seen anything like this. The version displayed in the menus is the first person mesh (usually named something like "1stperson...."). If the clothes are displayed correcty in the menu, this COULD mean that you only edited the first person mesh, but not the third person one, which would be visible e.g. on the screenshots you made. If that's the case, you also need to change the "regular" third person mesh. Do excatly what you did with the other one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurbAWD Posted May 13, 2017 Author Share Posted May 13, 2017 Thanks for the answer I didn't edit any mesh myself, I only used BodySlide on an armors/clothes replacerDo you mean that for some armors/clothes, there are more than 1 texture file ? I did the same process for each texture :Took the original female texture (only), from the *.bsa filePlaced it on the correct locationEdited it with GIMP Thanks again Algabar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Algabar Posted May 13, 2017 Share Posted May 13, 2017 Sorry, I was stupid. Guess I shouldn't post without enough coffee... :sick: To clarify this:- There is only one set of textures for a single piece of armor: One set for a certain glove, one set for a certain armor and so on. Usually, a set of textures consists of three .dds files: diffuse map (color and such), normal map (_n, surface details) and environment map (controls, how "reflective" certain parts of the armor are).- There are, however, FOUR meshes for a normal piece of armor: Two firstperson meshes (_1 and _0) and two third person meshes (_1 and _0). What I said above about the first person meshes is true: They are used to "preview" the piece of armor (or a weapon) in your ingame inventory.- Normally, these four meshes should all use the same textures. So if you change the textures, every mesh should use them. I did the same process for each texture :Took the original female texture (only), from the *.bsa filePlaced it on the correct locationEdited it with GIMP In general, that's what you should do. "Retexturing" an object basically just means "replacing the original textures with something else". Technically, you copy new textures with the exact same name over the old ones. Still this doesn't explain your problem. TBH, I don't really have a clue what happened. As a first step to "troubleshoot" this, I'd open the mesh files of the armor in Nifskope (https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/releases) and see, what textures they use. Maybe this will give you a hint on what might have gone wrong. Sorry - I got some (very limited) experience with weapon textures, but never changed an armor myself... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurbAWD Posted May 15, 2017 Author Share Posted May 15, 2017 I just downloaded NifSkopeFigured out how to apply textures to the (grey) meshesWell, it shows the same as the game, unlike BodySlideI can't understand how it shows parts of textures which aren't in the file Some of them work properly, some others don't... Thanks again Algabar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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