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Has anyone else wondered about this?


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If I recall correctly, during the Oblivion Crisis, gates were being opened not just in Cyrodiil, but all over Tamriel. So, shouldn't there be remains of Oblivion Gates all over Skyrim? Perhapse someone could make those. Just a thought.


Or, since Skyrim, is adjacent to Morrowind and received a large number of refugees from there, I'd love to see construction kits for some of the Morrowind buildings. Some of the Telvani building magic would have to have survived through the various magic guilds, and the architecture of a place like Balmora wouldn't be too strange.

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remember it has been over 200 years since the crisis.


People could have long since salvaged some of the rubble to make some strong foundations, or broken it up and sold it to blacksmiths.


The gates are essentially pieces of another plane of existence, and are probably made of some of the materials that Daedric armour is made of.


For all we know the gates could be someones brooch, or someones sword.

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