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Search for mod, keep far away, companions, when i build


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Hello from Greece. i try to find a mod, keep far away, the companions, when i use the workshop. Maybe, keep them out of the green borders. They cause me, problems, so close to my face, and i can't build, all the things i like. i search at internet, but i don't find, anything. That's all. Thanks.

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Greetings for the USA - Pacific Northwest! :smile:


There is NO specific mod for that, that I am aware of or could find.


The simple solution is: Dismiss them to the next Settlement that is near you and or have them: " wait here " command ... , while you start building and such. This is what I do ... as I " share your pain ".


.. Jj ...

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Greetings from the UK

put some sandbox items (weight lifting bench or pommel horse) in your settlement and almost as soon as you go into workshop mode your companion will keep himself busy while you build.


singing settler has a karaoke mic that you can get your companion to use with the normal dialogue commands. that keeps them in one spot for ages and they entertain the settlers while you build :D

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Thanks, for all the answers. Maybe i use this command, so a companion, wait, but the dialog, don't work every time, so i can choose, from Talk, trade and 2 others. Maybe someday,someone build a mod, for that problem. Thanks.

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when you click on the companion to bring up those dialogue options, when you look at somewhere other than your companion you get the "go there" option. if you look at something that can be used you get an option to tell them to check it out. if it is something like the singing settler karaoke mic then your companion will start singing songs from Diamond radio and probably won't stop until you tell them to follow you after you finish building.


in my game, when I go into workshop mode my companion ALWAYS goes off on his own to sandbox around the settlement. I never have to tell him to get out of the way, ever.

when I finish building I equip a weapon and they come running. I thought this was vanilla companion behaviour, but if that isn't happening in your game it must be due to my mods.

the only mods I have that alter companion behaviour (as far as I can tell) are More Smarter Companions and Companions Go Home. you could try these if you can't get the dialogue command option to work satisfactorily.

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Valentine, is always stay, real close to Workshop ! Other companions -because i use the unlimited companions, mod- always follow me, when i use the workshop. Also i use the companion Scarlet: a dog companion, spawn automatic, when i start a new game or continue another. Scarlet don't need to tell: follow me, like dogmeat. Finally, i think it take so much time, to tell, each of companions to use something, or wait, because i have many companions. i think is fun and maybe protect me -only the dogs, go and attack the enemies. i use 234 mods, and if i use, more, the game don't start -i have a low end PC, and that is another reason i think, the game, crash. i play Fallout 4, almost 14 or 15 months and maybe, someday, i enjoy it, if i have the money, to buy a real real, good PC.

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in my game, when I go into workshop mode my companion ALWAYS goes off on his own to sandbox around the settlement. I never have to tell him to get out of the way, ever.

In my game when I enter workshop mode my companion will wander over to the workbench and just stand there. I've never seen them sandbox.

If combat happens while I'm in workshop mode that's annoying. Afterwards, while I'm still in workshop mode, my companion will follow me around as if I wasn't. So I have to exit and re-renter for them to go away. It's always been like that for me, even before I stareted using mods, so I assumed that was normal :huh:

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in my game, when I go into workshop mode my companion ALWAYS goes off on his own to sandbox around the settlement. I never have to tell him to get out of the way, ever.

In my game when I enter workshop mode my companion will wander over to the workbench and just stand there. I've never seen them sandbox.

If combat happens while I'm in workshop mode that's annoying. Afterwards, while I'm still in workshop mode, my companion will follow me around as if I wasn't. So I have to exit and re-renter for them to go away. It's always been like that for me, even before I stareted using mods, so I assumed that was normal :huh:



Same here. My companion always stands right next to the workbench when I enter workshop mode.



Valentine, is always stay, real close to Workshop ! Other companions -because i use the unlimited companions, mod- always follow me, when i use the workshop. Also i use the companion Scarlet: a dog companion, spawn automatic, when i start a new game or continue another. Scarlet don't need to tell: follow me, like dogmeat. Finally, i think it take so much time, to tell, each of companions to use something, or wait, because i have many companions. i think is fun and maybe protect me -only the dogs, go and attack the enemies. i use 234 mods, and if i use, more, the game don't start -i have a low end PC, and that is another reason i think, the game, crash. i play Fallout 4, almost 14 or 15 months and maybe, someday, i enjoy it, if i have the money, to buy a real real, good PC.


I'm guessing the problem lies with the unlimited companions mod. The first companion (which I assume is Valentine in your case) should be going to the workbench, but the others won't have that programmed. It sounds similar to the issue with multiple companions in the Mechanist Lair, where the first one will try to open the door, even if it doesn't have the robot part it needs.

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