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Perk Books as Loot


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I'd love to see perk books (like spell tomes) be added to the game - perhaps one of a kind books (unique items) that appear according to level like other items. Maybe not for every perk (perhaps the general perks might be annoying), but for the single choice perks that would be appropriate. They could be quest items, or random boss chest loot.


I'm not sure if it would cause any mechanistic problems, but it would be cool to get perks but perhaps not be able to use the until you get the requirement perks (aka, you know the secrets but can't figure out how to make them work until you build up the appropriate knowledge. If not, and the perks simply become active, that is really interesting too! It could add some interesting 'gifts' to a character build (imagine having Green Thumb early on). Since you can't get anywhere near all the perks, I don't think it would unbalance to the game to add these items in appropriate numbers.

Edited by tarchannon
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