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Household Upkeep


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-It should cost money per day to feed your family, pay for home services (hearthfire), and pay your hearthfire servants (if you have any).

-The income from the store that your spouse sets up is lessened and deposited everyday in the "safe" container of your choosing.

-The upkeep of your home will be paid from that "safe" container that you chose. If the container runs low on funds a courier will deliver a message to you that your home is in need of funds, give the courier money to bring back to your home.

-If you send the courier away without any money there will be consequences.

-Remove "Homecooked Meal"

-Ask spouse to set table for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Save current items on the table as templates that simply get switched out to at breakfast/lunch/dinner as long as spouse is home at the time of the switch


​Where might I start to make such a mod?

Edited by HyperManFZ
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