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How to force dragon level ~= player's level?


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I want random and named dragons to be close to my level. This usually doesn't happen for random or named dragons - instead, they are many levels below me.
I unchecked "Calculate from all levels <= PC's level" in LVLN LCharDragonAny using TES5Edit, but this had no effect.
LCharDragonAny is not in my Bashed patch. The last esp to modify it is Deadly Dragons. I know this is used in game, because I encountered a Nether Dragon that originates from Deadly Dragons.
I'm also using Ultimate Dragons, but this does not modify LCharDragonAny. Maybe it has some effect via script.
I'm also using PermaZones, but the author has said "Most of the overworld does not have an Encounter Zone ... the enemy's level is determined using the player's level only."
As a last resort, I could delete or boost the low-level entries in LCharDragonAny as I progress through the game, then restore the original Deadly Dragons esp and repeat for a new character.
Does anyone have another idea? Thanks!


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