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Star Wars conversion mod


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Hello i am requesting a skyrim mod to for a star wars conversion mod. Kinda like kotor but in the GCW era. I've seen this one mod before the tool kit came out where it can jump you to like different maps well with that concept you could go to different planets. Also it wouldn't need to be a full time conversion with thousands of quests but at least a main story and a few side quests. I think that the engine skyrim runs on would be excellent for this it would be so much better than SWG SWKTOR SWTOR.


I have no idea how to mod in skyrim or how difficult it is but i have experience with other games and would like to learn. So basically Replace Bows with blasters, different creatures, Replace Swords/axes/maces with lightsabers and vibroswords and new armour and a different main story. Still big i know but tons of people would love to have this like all the star wars fans out there. in the main release there should be at least one planet or two all lightsabers added basic blasters added all old weapons removed small basic quests.


Over time more planets weapons quests and main quest line. Like i said i have no modding experience with skyrim but would like to learn and help



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  • 11 months later...

Yeah, I remember thinking that once. How cool it would be to have KOTOR-like elements, the whole world converted to SW. It was probably residue from SWtoR sucking so badly.


The guys at Lucas probably wouldn't look to kindly on us having a total conversion mod without any permissions. Star Wars is owned by somebody, afterall.

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