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Door to Sovngarde?


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hey i play skyrim on my jtag so i don't have the console access and was wondering if someone could make a mod that has like a trapdoor or something that leads to sovngarde and another one that leads to the place right before sovngarde. i want this because i loved that place and want to go back. oh and maybe another door to the hall of valor(since i think the door is locked after the quest line). thanks
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My God. That's creepy.


Recently I just made a mod for this. Using a Trap door.

However, If you have not completed the main quest, it starts the ending quest to kill Alduin. And yes, the doors to the hall of Valor are locked.


I'm pretty sure someone has already posted a mod to the Nexus to do this after the final quest. I'm pretty sure its actually called "Door to Sovngarde"


Thanks for your time.


Squ1z out.

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