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Fusion City Rising Quest Bug


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I am at the making the connection quest, I am at the subway but I can's get Stan to talk to me, I hit the E key nothing happens, the quest flag is over his head but I can't talk to him. I tried the

Resetquest xx00455A console command but I get an error message.

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Just a guess, but would probably have much better results getting help if you posted your problem on the actual mod page, rather than the general mod troubleshooting forum. You might also want to look at the articles tab of the mod page. There are several articles about the mod and one in particular dealing with the quests and troubleshooting them. I'm pretty sure they include the console commands for setting stages of each quest.



If you're literally typing "xx00455A" into the console, yeah...you'll get an error because that's not a form ID. The "xx" is just a placeholder value you must have copied from somewhere. The first two digits of any form ID from a mod (or DLC) are based upon your load order. The first two digits will be different for everyone based on where the mod is in your load order, so just using the palceholder values will error out.


Two get the two digits you need, just open the console and click on something unique to the mod, like one of the Brondo stimpaks or even the NPC you're trying to talk to. The form ID will display the correct two digits you need to properly enter the console commend. So, if you click on Stan in the console and the first two digits are "07" for example, use that to replace the "xx" you've been using.

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