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Playabe Race of Spider Sapeshifters


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I've had a go at this myself but can't get it working. My mod skills just are not up to speed yet.


I was thinking about a race of shapeshifters based on the Aranea from DnD.




I was thinking in human form they could have a better climbing and jumping ability, primarily a sneaky build base.

resistance to poison.


shapeshift at will to a spider form (large spider)

slightly shorter than other races

maybe a bonus to dual wielding or unarmed...


thanks for reading

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would be an interesting race

also it would be recommended to be friends with spiders


spiders fighting themselves too


maybe a scream to make spiders fight for you

and being able to summon some small spider minions and later some big ones


vampire or werewolf ability to feed or drink from sleeping/death npcs

spiderwebs skill like the freezing shout would be cool too

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