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There's iNeed: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51473/ for eating, sleeping and drinking.

You could also try Basic Human Needs for eating, sleeping and drinking.


For extra realism you could also add Frostfall: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11163/ so you have to make sure to stay warm and such.


If you don't want fast travelling there's also... I think it's Requiem, but I might be wrong. But there are a few mods out there that remove fast travelling.

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Get these to start:


  1. iNeed so that eating and drinking and sleeping matter.
  2. Campfire for a lot of stuff like cooking and tents and sleeping bags and such, which you will need because of...
  3. Frostfall, which makes the environment dangerous. Rain gets you wet sapping heat, nights are cold, some bodies of water are dangerously cold, blizzards are dangerous, and so forth.

Those are an excellent start. Use Climates of Tamriel for better weather and darker nights, and Wearable Lanterns to deal with the darker nights. I haven't tried Hunterborn yet, but it looks pretty immersive and there is a patch for compatibility with Campfire.


All of that should serve as a start. Add some mods with increased wildlife and plant life, and you're getting there.

Edited by VikingPrince
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